About me

I focus on “e-collaboration”: mixing information and communication technologies with group facilitation approaches, to help teams and organisations to make the world more equitable, sustainable, and peaceful.

  • How to collaborate online with your colleagues and partner organisations
  • How to manage and market your website
  • How to improve discussion processes and policy-making using the internet
  • How to cultivate an online community

My inspiration and motivation comes from the worlds of grassroots and consensus-based communities and networks; open source, open organisations; and sharing, respect, and the art world, always challenging perceptions and assumptions.

My focus is on learning and process improvement. Success for me means the people I work with feel empowered to use internet technologies to pursue their own dreams and plans.

Current work

See the “Now” page for my current focus and activities.

Earlier work

I am working on presenting my resume here. The most up-to-date and complete overview right now is on my LinkedIn profile.

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