Time to get back into the habit of capturing things on my website… First up: my calendar watch list and some events.
I’ve been keeping an “Open Dev” calendar with events related to open development and online civic space (data, standards, ethics, digital rights, and so on). I’m broadening the scope a bit to include more technical events as well. It’s “Rolf’s events watch list” now.

September 18-20, HackMIT 2020 is intending “to lay the tracks for a more connected future”. For the Humanitarian AI community a chance to interact with around 1500 undergraduates, and to attempt to make IATI data available in various interfaces.
- Github repo with a list of potential resources.
- Slack community of Humanitarian AI (there is a sign-up link in Contribute.md docs, for instance in the CosmosDB repository)
Partos Innovation Festival

On October 8th and 9th, the annual Partos Innovation Festival focuses on “digital civic power”. This year, the fetival is online, with three main blocks of content.
Declarative Amsterdam

Also on October 8th and 9th is the next edition of Declarative Amsterdam, with a tutorial day and a symposium day. An opportunity to catch up again with mostly XML-based technologies.